The United States beef industry is in trouble, and everyone knows it!

Beef prices are at an all-time high, but costs and interest rates are even higher. As the chart above shows, there is no profit to be had. In addition, over the past five years, America has lost nearly 107,000 beef cattle farms and ranches. Cattle inventory is at its lowest point in 70 years!

There are many factors that figure into this decline, but the most significant point is that it is just too hard to make any money. We have been talking with farms and ranches all over the United States for years and the message is always the same. They are all struggling with high costs and higher debt loads than they ever have before. Too many of them aren't going to make it.

Here at Bio Minerals Technologies, we have an answer...Omega Balance Natural Beef®.

Our fermented forage has a general conversion ratio of 6:1! This translates into faster growth and less feed. In fact, we can bring an animal to slaughter weight (1200-1400 lbs) in 15-18 months. The meat is young, tender, and well-marbled, exactly what customers are looking for! This is about 1/2 of the time required for a comparable grass-fed steer. Grass-fed animals require 30-36 months to reach that weight, and by the time they do, the meat is older, tougher, and with little-to-no marbling. 

The chart below provides a financial comparison of our fermented forage system vs a typical grass-fed operation.

As you can see, you can raise two Omega Balance Natural Beef steers in the same time it takes to raise one Grass-fed steer, and it actually takes less feed to raise twice as much beef! This model assumes you raise all animals throughout their entire growth cycle.

There are savings and additional profit to be had even if you are a feed-lot operation. Your animals will grow and marble better on the fermented forage than even on the high-grain diets, and the cost savings in the feed are significant! The model below gives you the details.

Using the Omega Balance Natural Beef program, your animals can qualify for the grass-fed market (we never use any grain). The grass-fed market premium adds significantly to your bottom line and the cost of gain savings pads that increase significantly.

If you need to increase your revenue and your profits, you need to sign up for the Omega Balance Natural Beef program.

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